Avoiding eggs

JT’s egg allergy is his most severe. His allergist was baffled when he first tested JT because he had never seen an egg allergy so severe. The allergist refers to this allergy as JT’s “life or death” allergy.  We take it VERY seriously. When hearing about a severe allergy most people will assume that the allergy is to peanuts. JT’s classroom at school will be peanut free and he will sit at a peanut free lunch table. And while he is allergic to peanuts and should certainly avoid them they aren’t the allergen that we are most concerned with. There will be no egg free classroom or egg free lunch table so we have to rely on the tactics we’ve relied on his whole life. Being vigilant about what we are feeding him and teaching him to never eat foods that he is unsure of (in this case anything I didn’t pack for lunch).

So, what does JT need to avoid for his egg free diet? Well, eggs of course, we don’t even have them in our house and we don’t take him to restaurants that are serving breakfast. They are probably the thing my husband and I miss the most and any time we leave the kids over night the first thing we do in the morning is head out to breakfast. We also avoid baked goods that aren’t baked by me (or by JT’s Nana or Grammy), many breads, ice creams and puddings, meatloaf, casseroles, mayonnaise, some crackers and pretzels, egg noodles, canned soups with noodles, french toast, most battered or breaded foods, meatballs, fudge, some marshmallows, fluffernutter, some salad dressings, tartar sauce, and anything else that could have egg as a binder or an egg white wash on it…which reminds me, sometimes jelly beans are glazed with egg white.

Learning to read nutrition labels takes a while. As a general rule, if I come across a word I don’t recognize I google it to find out what it is before deciding if it’s something JT can eat. Over time, you will become more familiar with labels and it gets easier.  Here is a list of other words that appear in ingredients that should be avoided with an egg allergy. I don’t come across  these very often, but am always on the look out just in case.

albumin, globulin, livetin, lysozyme, meringue, ovalbumin, ovomucin, ovomucoid, ovovitellin, Simplesse

If you are avoiding eggs be sure to read this tip about baking without eggs!

5 responses

  1. Our son has a severe egg allergy, too. Not fun! And, sadly, he’s also allergic to bananas, so we can’t sub those in. We found a place that makes cupcake and cookie mixes that are dairy/egg free, though.

    • Hmmm….that is too bad. Have you tried apple sauce? Also I’ve heard you can try puree apricots (baby food) and Bob’s Red Mill makes an egg replacer that I have found at Whole foods (it has soy flour so doesn’t work for us). Good luck!

  2. I just had food allergy testing on Friday and found out that I’m allergic to eggs (among nine other foods). I felt sick and allergic a lot, but didn’t know why. But now I do. Since I’m gluten-free, I practically lived off of eggs when I’d go out to eat or be at someone else’s house or for breakfast. I feel like I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of a life without eggs.

    I’m so sorry for your son! I’m lucky that my egg allergy isn’t that severe. But I fully understand that school problem. The university I attend had a “Peanut Butter and Jelly Day” last week. And I had to stay home because I’m so allergic to peanuts that I’ll stop being able to breath of swallow if someone eats even a small amount of peanuts near me. It’s hard when the school doesn’t have your back, and probably so much harder for him because he’s so young.

    I’ve had to make a point of making announcements in every single class at the beginning of the quarter because otherwise the professors let people eat in class, and they usually eat peanuts. Living with food allergies makes life so much more stressful.


    • So sorry to hear you are still adding allergies to your list as an adult! We miss eggs alot in our house…but baking without them has been a breeze! Hope my blog can help, feel free to ask any questions. I know how overwhelming it is when a new allergy pops up and you have to start the label reading and menu planning from scratch.

      • Thank you! I was so glad I stumbled across your blog this afternoon. It really is overwhelming! I’ve been gluten-free, peanut-free and free of some other things as well. And I’d felt like I’d gotten the hang of it, but now with the addition of milk, soy, and eggs (there are others but those are the hardest to avoid) I feel like I’m starting over completely. And since I haven’t been watching for those, I don’t even know where all they hide yet.


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